Diantara Keindahan Danau Laut Tawar dan Surga Bagi Penikmat Kopi
(Between The Beauty of Lake Laut Tawar and Heaven For Coffee Lovers)
Diantara Keindahan Danau Laut Tawar dan Surga Bagi Penikmat Kopi
(Between The Beauty of Lake Laut Tawar and Heaven For Coffee Lovers)
Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam bener - bener diberkahi oleh Tuhan. Tidak hanya memiliki keindahan alam baharinya saja, propinsi paling barat Indonesia ini juga memiliki keindahan alam di daerah dataran tingginya, salah satunya yaitu Takengon. Takengon adalah sebuah daerah di Aceh Tengah. Yang merupakan ibukota dari daerah ini. Topografi daerahnya yang berbukit dan berada di pegunungan, menghasilkan potensi alam yang sangat indah. Dan patut dikembangkan untuk daerah wisata. Objek wisata yang terkenal di Takengon yaitu Danau Laut Tawar. Selain memiliki alam yang indah, Takengon juga memiliki tanah yang subur. Tak jarang hasil bumi dari daerah ini seperti sayuran dan buah-buahan dikirim ke daerah Aceh yang lain. Bagi penikmat dan pecinta kopi, Kopi Gayo (sebutan nama kopi di Takengon) pasti sudah tak asing lagi namanya. Bahkan kenikmatan kopi di Takengon ini sudah mendunia. Tak jarang banyak wisatawan ke sini tak hanya menikmati keindahan alamnya saja, tetapi juga untuk sekedar membeli kopi sebagai oleh - oleh.
(Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam surely blessed by God. This Province Not only have beauty natures of maritime, the most western province of Indonesia's, also have beauty natures of high land, one of them is Takengon. Takengon is a city in Central of Aceh. This city is capitaly of region. Region topoghrapy is hilly and cover by mountain so this region has very beautiful nature potential. And should be developed for tourist area. Famous tourist spot at Takengon is Laut Tawar Lake. Besides has beautiful nature, Takengon also has fertile soil. Not rare agriculture products this region look like vegetables and fruits delivered to another Aceh region. For Coffe lover, Gayo coffe (designation coffe in Takengon) would have been familiar. Even the coffe enjoyment at Takengon is already global. Not rare many tourism go here not only enjoy beautiful nature, but also for buy coffe to souvenir.)
(Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam surely blessed by God. This Province Not only have beauty natures of maritime, the most western province of Indonesia's, also have beauty natures of high land, one of them is Takengon. Takengon is a city in Central of Aceh. This city is capitaly of region. Region topoghrapy is hilly and cover by mountain so this region has very beautiful nature potential. And should be developed for tourist area. Famous tourist spot at Takengon is Laut Tawar Lake. Besides has beautiful nature, Takengon also has fertile soil. Not rare agriculture products this region look like vegetables and fruits delivered to another Aceh region. For Coffe lover, Gayo coffe (designation coffe in Takengon) would have been familiar. Even the coffe enjoyment at Takengon is already global. Not rare many tourism go here not only enjoy beautiful nature, but also for buy coffe to souvenir.)
Keindahan alam kota Takengon ini tak lepas dari keindahan panorama Danau Laut Tawar. Danau Laut Tawar ini berada di sisi barat dari kota Takengon, tepatnya berada di dataran tinggi Gayo. Danau ini merupakan danau terluas di Propinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Berbeda dengan kebanyakan warga Aceh yang lain, penduduk disini merupakan suku Gayo. Yang memiliki bahasa berbeda dengan bahasa Aceh lainnya. Pasti sudah tau keanggunan tari Saman dari Aceh kan. Sangking populernya tari ini sangat melegenda dan sering ditampilkan dalam festival budaya bukan hanya di Nusantara tetapi sampai tingkat dunia. Ya, tari Saman sebenarnya berasal dari Aceh Tengah, Dataran Tinggi Gayo.
(The nature beauty of Takengon City not separare from panoramic beaty Laut Tawar Lake. Location this lake at west side from this city at Gayo Highland. This lake is The Largest at Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. The people in here is different from other Aceh people. Surely the beutiful Saman dance from Aceh. This dance is so popular legendary and often showed in culture festival not only in the archipelago but only word level. This dance come from Center Aceh, Gayo highland)
(The nature beauty of Takengon City not separare from panoramic beaty Laut Tawar Lake. Location this lake at west side from this city at Gayo Highland. This lake is The Largest at Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. The people in here is different from other Aceh people. Surely the beutiful Saman dance from Aceh. This dance is so popular legendary and often showed in culture festival not only in the archipelago but only word level. This dance come from Center Aceh, Gayo highland)
Panorama Danau Laut Tawar dari atas Bukit
(Panoramic Laut Tawar Lake from upside hill)
Cobalah berkeliling mengitari danau, maka akan disuguhi dengan panorama alam yang sangat memanjakan mata. Setiap sudut dari danau ini memiliki keindahan yang luar biasa. Recomended bagi mereka yang ingin melepaskan penat dan dari kebisingan kota.
(let's try to woulk around this lake, you will showed in with amazing nature panoramic. Every side this lake have amazing beautiful view. This location very recomended for your which want refresh and avoid the city crowded)
Panorama Danau Laut Tawar
(Laut Tawar Lake Panoramic)
Sepanjang perjalanan selama berkleliling danau ini, kita akan menjumpai kebun kopi. Kopi tumbuh dengan subur dan sehat disini. Kualitas kopinya juga sangat baik, karena selain tanahnya di sepanjang danau ini subur, iklim dan suhunya sangat cocok untuk tanaman kopi.
(As long walk arround this lake, we will see coffe plantation. Coffe is grown fertilize and healthy in here. Coffe quality also well, because in addition to the land in as long this lake is fertile, the climate and the temperature is very well for coffe plantation)
Kebun kopi
(Coffe Plantation)
Setelah selesai mengitari danau ini, cobalah menikmati keasrian dan keindahan kota Takengon ini. Tepat di pusat kota, terdapat sebuah masjid yang megah dan indah. Masjid Ruhamah, yang merupakan masjid raya di Takengon ini. Sama seperti kota di atas bukit lainnya, Kota ini memiliki hawa yang sejuk dan kualitas udaranya juga masih baik.
(after finish journey arround this lake, let's to try enjoy nature and beautiful this town. At center of this town, there is a big and beautifull mosque. This name Masjid Ruhamah. This mosque is The big mosque in Takengon. Look like another city in upside hill, this town have cool weather and air quality in this town is well)
Masjid Ruhamah Takengon
(Ruhamah Mosque)
(Ruhamah Mosque)
Di sepanjang kota kita akan menjumpai banyak sekali kedai yang menjual kopi. Bagi pecinta kopi, disinilah surganya. Cara penjual kopi ini memasak dan menyajikan kopi sungguh pemandangan yang atraktif. Seperti melihat barista-barista profesional)
(As long side town, we will see many caffe. For coffe lover, in here them paradise's. Them style's for prepare and dispense of coffe really attractive, look like profesional barista's)
Penjual Kopi
(barista coffe)
Transportasi (Transportation)
Untuk menuju ke Kota ini, banyak sekali jalurnya;
(for go to this town, many way to arrive there);
1. Dari Banda Aceh (From Banda Aceh)
Dari Banda Aceh, naik dari terminal bus ke Takengon ( Putra Pelangi atau lainnya). Dari banda Aceh akan memakan waktu 7-8 jam perjalanan
(from Banda Aceh, by bus at Bus station to Takengon ( by Putra Pelangi bus or another). From Banda Aceh will spend time about 7 - 8 hours.)
2. Dari Medan (from Medan)
Dari Medan, cari pool bus Putra Pelangi arah ke Takengon, lama perjalanan yaitu 12 jam.
(From Medan, looking for Putra Pelangi bus station, and choose bus to Takengon. From this will spend about 12 hours)
3. Dari Lhokseumawe (from Lhokseumawe)
Dari Lhokseumawe, naik bus mini ke arah Takengon. Lama perjalanan sekitar 4 jam.
(from Lhokseumawe, by mini bus to Takengon. from this will spend about 4 hours)
Penginapan (guest house)
Hotel Bunda, Hotel Triarga, Hotel Mahara, Hotel Grand Penamas. Tarif juga bervariasi antara 200 - 500 ribu permalam. (Tarif per night also variation, about 200 - 500 hundred ruphias)
Jika pergi ke kota ini, usahakan baju tebal atau jaket. Karena daerah ini dingin, apalagi malam hari.
(if you trip to this town, wearing jacket because temperature in this region is cold, eventhough at night)
Peraturi peraturan dan syariat yang berlaku
(Obedient adjustment and region law)
Tidak akan menyesal dan kecewa jika berkunjung ke kota di Aceh Tengah ini.
(You won't regret and dissapointed if you travel to town in Center Aceh.)
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